

Perched on the plateau that dominates the Valle dell’Asinaro, surrounded by citrus groves and almond blossom, you will find the Baroque treasure of Noto, its exquisite beauty appearing like a theatrical scene. At sunset, you will lose yourself in its history and culture, amongst the magnificent palazzi tinted by a pink light. Destination for a privileged and exclusive stay that you can find in the suites of the Hotel La Dépendance in the historic centre. Along Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Noto manifests its irresistible charm as a focus point for quality and ever increasing tourism, which demands the best in terms of services and hospitality, in the shadow of historic palazzi and ancient churches. At the foot of the Hyblaean Tableland, Noto lies in a very interesting area from a historical, archaeological and naturalistic point of view, with two Natural Reserves: Vendicari, a very important coastal wetland, separated by the white sand dunes of the Ionion Sea, is one of the oldest reserve institutions as well as being of maximum interest regarding the environment, flora and fauna. The most interesting of these, are the flamingos, spoonbills, grey herons and egrets, in harmony with the sparkling turquoise colour of the sea.

The Natural Reserve, “Cava Grande del Cassibile” can be discovered along a path through an extraordinary protected rocky environment, with the lush vegetation of the Mediterranean scrub, where small lakes of fresh clear water are tucked away, in a completely natural and heavenly setting. Among the areas of archaeological interest, we include Noto Antica, the necropolis of Castelluccio, Colonna Pizzuta, part of the cemetery of Eloro, an ancient Greek colony, where remains of the Greek Theatre are still in evidence: the town is mirrored in the crystalline sea with its uncontaminated stretches of sand. You can also admire the Villa Romana del Tellaro, with its famous multi-coloured mosaics. Noto is also a town full of time-honoured traditions, such as Easter and the Celebration of the Patron Saint San Corrado, with its spectacular “infiorata” (carpet of flowers) which is showcased in Via Nicolaci, next to the Hotel La Dépendance and consists in the creation of a long and artistic carpet of coloured petals. Also worth a mention is the renowned Baroque Procession with its costumes and 17th Century theatrical representations. But there are also many other places that surround the Baroque "Pearl" of Noto, like Ragusa, Modica... 

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